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Virginia Woolf Out of Bounds: Selected Papers from the Tenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf

Edited by Jessica Berman and Jane Goldman

Pace University Press, 2001

Papers from the inaugural Woolf conference of the millennium address the future of Woolf study, especially as an opportunity for new intellectual exchanges and mixtures. Among the over forty contributions are several focusing on teaching _A Room of One's Own_.


Jessica Berman and Jane Goldman
Virginia Woolf Out of Bounds

Gender, Sexuality, Feminism

Patricia Moran
Gunpowder Plots: Sexuality and Censorship in Woolf’s Later Works
Emily Blair
Prostituting Culture and Enslaving Intellectual Liberty: Virginia Woolf’s Disavowed Victorian
Predecessor Margaret Oliphant
Jamie Carr
Novel Possibilities: Re-Reading Sexuality and “Madness” in Mrs. Dalloway, Beyond the Film
Ann Martin
Sleeping Beauty in a Green Dress: Mrs. Dalloway and Fairy Tale Configurations of Desire
Jane De Gay
“. . .though the fashion of the time did something to disguise it”: Staging Gender in Woolf’s Orlando
Lisa Carstens
The Science of Sex and the Art of Self-Materializing in Orlando
Diana L. Swanson
With Clear-Eyed Scrutiny: The Narrator as Sister in Jacob’s Room

Archives and Readers

Edward L. Bishop
From Frass to Foucault: Mediations of the Archive
Melba Cuddy-Keane
Brow-Beating, Wool-Gathering, and the Brain of the Common Reader

Woolf and Other Writers

Nancy Knowles
Dissolving Stereotypical Cultural Boundaries: Allusions to Virginia Woolf in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s Sister of My Heart
Karin Westman
A. S. Byatt and “(V. Woolf)”: Mapping a Misreading of Modernism
Debrah Raschke
“It won’t be fine” tomorrow: Doris Lessing’s Struggle with Woolf
Kathryn S. Laing
Chasing the Wild Goose: Virginia Woolf’s Orlando and Angela Carter’s The Passion of the New Eve
Jane Lilienfeld
“Something I’ve Been Meaning To Tell You”: Alice Munro as Unlikely Heir to Virginia Woolf


Chene Heady
“Accidents of Political Life”: Satire and Edwardian Anti-Colonial Politics in The Voyage Out
Steven Putzel
Virginia Woolf and British “Orientalism”
Genevieve Abravanel
Woolf in Blackface: Identification across The Waves
Philosophical App roaches: Politics, Phenomenology, Ethics, Physics
Michèle Barrett
Reason and Truth in A Room of One’s Own
Laura Doyle
The Body Unbound: A Phenomenological Reading of the Political in A Room of One’s Own
Justine Dymond
“The Outside of Its Inside and the Inside of Its Outside”: Phenomenology in To the Lighthouse
Todd Avery
Talking with the Other; or, Wireless Ethics: Levinas, Woolf and the BBC
Michael Whitworth
Porous Objects: Self, Community, and the Nature of Matter

Reading and Teaching A Room of One’s Own

Brenda R. Silver
Virginia Woolf://Hypertext
Lois J. Gilmore
She speaks to me: Virginia Woolf in the Community College Classroom
Karen L. Levenback
Teaching A Room of One’s Own in the New Millennium: The War Continues
Katie Marts
Opening Doors to A Room of One’s Own
Nancy S. Shay
“I’m Not a Feminist or Anything, But....”: Teaching A Room of One’s Own in High School

Woolf Through Other Arts

Suzanne Bellamy
Experiments in Constructing the Visual Field: Conversations with Woolf and Stein and Painting The Waves
Isota Tucker Epes
A Lifetime with The Waves

Cultural and Material Woolf

Nicola Luckhurst
Photoportraits: Gisèle Freund and Virginia Woolf
Maggie Humm
Matrixial Memories in Virginia Woolf’s Photographs
Mark Wollaeger
Woolf, Picture Postcards, Modernity
Jennifer Wicke
Frock Consciousness, Self-Fashioning: Virginia Woolf’s Dialectical Materialism
Elizabeth Outka
“The shop windows were full of sparkling chains”: Consumer Desire and Woolf’s Night and Day

Intertexts and Contexts

Vanessa Manhire
“The Lady’s Gone A-Roving”: Woolf and the English Folk Revival
Caroline Webb
“All was dark; all was doubt; all was confusion”: Nature, Culture, and Orlando’s Ruskinian Storm-Cloud
David Vallins
““Whose shape is that within the car? & why?”: Mrs. Dalloway and “The Triumph of Life”
Donald Blume
“Because It Is There”: George Mallory’s Presence in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse
Marilyn Schwinn Smith
Woolf’s Russia: Out of Bounds
Diane F. Gillespie
“The Rain in Spain”: Woolf, Cervantes, Andalusia, and The Waves